What if tonight was your last night here on this earth? What would you think about, pray about, or do? What would you value? Would you feel satisfied with what you have accomplished in your life? Or, would there be something else that you would want to do before heading home?
When we lay down to sleep some have prayed the prayer, “Now I lay me down to sleep I pray the Lord my soul to keep, if I should die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take.”
I like the concept of this prayer because it acknowledges the possibility that we might die during the night. Basically, we are not guaranteed another day in this life on earth. Now, the likelihood is perhaps fairly low for most of us on a daily basis, but the possibility remains.
If this was your last day on this earth, what would you pray about? Would you pray about a meeting coming up or a task that you would have to get done for work? Of course not. You’ll be praying for all of the people that God puts on your heart your last day on this earth.
How many of you go to sleep at night thinking that you might not wake up tomorrow? What if today is your last day here on this earth? Would your values change? You wouldn’t be thinking about your schedule for tomorrow or thereafter. Things that used to be valuable for you are no longer treasured because you cannot take any physical possessions with you into eternity.
What would you do on this last day? Would you go to the bank or to the store or to the post office? Probably not. You would spend your last few minutes with those closest to you.
Usually, a person’s last few minutes on this earth are spent with their family, those most precious to them. If it is my last day here, I would tell those around me what is most important to me. I would especially share with all of my non-believing friends and family one last thought that is dear to my heart. I would share Christ with them.
There is only one reason that God has left us on this earth after we repented and accepted Christ as our Lord and Savior. Only one reason. That is to tell others about Jesus, so they too might follow Him. But I have often failed at my responsibility of sharing the good news of Jesus Christ.
There have been many times in my life that I met someone and thought I will share my testimony and the gospel with them the next time only to never see them again due to circumstances.
Even if you are younger and don’t believe you are close to dying anytime soon, there is the possibility of the rapture. The Bible says that one will be taken and the other is left. There is also the possibility of the unknown happening, like an accident. Remember the tower of Siloam that collapsed and killed eighteen people?
I should have died in a car accident about 10 years ago. I believe God saved my life. Since then I count every day as a gift from the Lord, and I never assume my tomorrow is going to be spent here on earth.
What if we lived every day like it’s our last day on this earth? We would feel totally satisfied with our life and all that God has called us to do.